Configuration on ======================= How to get Wooey up and running on This assumes the `wooify` command was run with `app` as the project's name and the project is named `wooey-test`. Directory Layout ---------------- :: app ├── app │ ├── application files ├── # this is unused and can be removed if running via django-admin ├── fly.toml ├── Dockerfile ├── requirements.txt Fly TOML file ------------- Here is an example fly.toml file. One arbitary choice is the webserver used. Here, waitress is used but there are many alternatives such as gunicorn and uwsgi. :: app = "wooey-test" kill_signal = "SIGINT" kill_timeout = 5 [env] DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = "app.settings" [experimental] allowed_public_ports = [] auto_rollback = true [build] dockerfile = "Dockerfile" [deploy] release_command = "django-admin migrate" [processes] web = "waitress-serve --connection-limit 2000 --channel-timeout=300 --port=8080 app.wsgi:application" worker = "celery -A app worker -c 1 --beat -l info --without-gossip --without-mingle --without-heartbeat" [[services]] http_checks = [] internal_port = 8080 processes = ["web"] protocol = "tcp" script_checks = [] [services.concurrency] hard_limit = 25 soft_limit = 20 type = "connections" [[services.ports]] force_https = true handlers = ["http"] port = 80 [[services.ports]] handlers = ["tls", "http"] port = 443 [[services.tcp_checks]] grace_period = "1s" interval = "15s" restart_limit = 0 timeout = "2s" Dockerfile ---------- Here is an example Dockerfile :: FROM python:3.10.9-slim-buster ENV VIRTUAL_ENV=/opt/venv RUN useradd -u 1000 wooey RUN mkdir -p $VIRTUAL_ENV && chown wooey:wooey $VIRTUAL_ENV USER wooey RUN python3 -m venv --system-site-packages $VIRTUAL_ENV ENV PATH="$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin:$PATH" COPY --chown=wooey:wooey requirements.txt requirements.txt RUN pip install -r requirements.txt COPY --chown=wooey:wooey app app ENV PYTHONPATH="/app:$PYTHONPATH" Requirements ------------ Here is an example requirements.txt :: Django~=3.2.14 wooey==0.13.2 django-storages==1.13.2 django-autoslug==1.9.8 dj-database-url==1.0.0 boto3==1.26.27 waitress==2.1.2 collectfast==2.2.0 psycopg2-binary==2.9.5